Scott Joplin Music Quiz
by the Music Tech Students

Multiple Choice - Choose the correct answer for each question.
What year was Scott Joplin born?
- 1868
- 1968
- 1859
- 1763
What year did Scott Joplin die?
- 1868
- 1917
- 1918
- 1915
What kind of music was Scott Joplin famous for writing?
- Ragtime
- Rock and roll
- Country
- Rap
What was one of Scott Joplin's most famous songs (Hint - the ice cream truck song)?
- The Entertainer
- Chopsticks
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat
- Rain, Rain, Go Away
True or False? Scott Joplin was famous for writing operas when he was alive.
- True
- False
Scott Joplin was born in what state?
- Arkansas
- Louisiana
- New York
Joplin created the libretto and music for the opera, Treemonisha. What is libretto?
- The costumes used in an opera.
- The text or written words of an opera.
- The background scenes in an opera.
Ragtime music was characterized by
- A very slow, steady beat in 4/4 time (signature).
- An even rhythm played against a syncopated rhythm.
- All even rhythms played at a medium tempo.
Besides ragtime music, ballet and opera, Scott Joplin composed
- Hymns and Gospel music.
- Canons and cantatas.
- Marches and waltzes.
(True or False) Most opera composers write the music and words for their operas.
- False
- True