Green Acres Middle School Band 2017-2018

Congratulations on a Superior Rating at the All City Band Evaluation on May 2, 2018!

Thank you for visiting our website for the Green Acres Middle School Band! Ms. Garrett taught Instrumental Music (Band / Music Technology) in the Birmingham City Schools System for 26 years (1992-2018). We were fortunate to have students from Miles College assisting with the band in 2016-2017 (Mr. Bell, Mr. Tejeda, Mr. Thompkins) and for part of the 2017-2018 year (Mr. Bell, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Tejeda, Mr. Thompkins). Ms. Garrett retired from teaching full-time in 2018.
(From 2017-2018)
Recruiting and enrollment for band takes place in August of each year. Students are encouraged to purchase or rent an instrument on their own, but we also have a number of instruments available to use at the school. Students are responsible for purchasing a band book, folder for music, a Green Acres Band t-shirt and accessories such as reeds or drum sticks. We will wear the Green Acres Band shirt and black pants to the football games or pep rally performances.
All middle school band students in Birmingham are required to wear a white school shirt or dress shirt with a collar and black pants (no jeans) and black dress shoes (no tennis shoes) to concert band events. The school has red bowties and cummerbunds that we will wear with the concert uniform.
Students will be using the 'Tradition of Excellence Band Method Book 1' for their instrument. It is an updated, technology-rich book that will guide students in group study. The book includes computer software to help students in their music studies individually and their practice time at home.
Performances in 2017-2018:
09-20-2017 - Football Game at Wenonah (Wilkerson)
09-27-2017 - Football Game at Lawson Field (Jones Valley)
10-03-2017 - Football Game at Fairfield (Forest Hills)
10-10-2017 - Pep Rally at Green Acres
10-10-2017 - Football Game at Carver (Hudson)
11-16-2017 - American Education Week Program
11-07-2017 / 11-14-2017 / 11-28-2017 / 12-06-2017 All City Festival Rehearsals
12-07-2017 - All City Christmas Festival (Boutwell Auditorium)
12-11-2017 - PTA Reflections Presentation of Projects
12-15-2017 - Christmas Program
01-24-2018 - Honors and Awards Day (Soloists)
02-14-2018 - Black History Spoken Word Program (Soloists)
02-28-2018 - Black History Program
03-21-2018 - Honors and Awards Day
05-02-2018 - All City Band Evaluation
05-06-2018 - PTA Reflections Banquet (Soloists)
05-09-2018 - Spring Concert
05-16-2018 - Transition to Middle School Program
05-18-2018 - 8th Grade Awards Day
05-21-2018 - 6th-7th Grade Awards Day (Soloists)

Performances in 2016-2017:
09-07-2016 - Football Game at Parker
09-20-2016 - Pep Rally / Assembly at Green Acres
09-20-2016 - Football Game at Parker
09-27-2016 - Football Game at Jackson-Olin
10-04-2016 - Football Game at Jackson-Olin
10-11-2016 - Football Game at Jackson-Olin
10-18-2016 - Football Game at Parker
10-19-2016 - Pink Power Walk / All City Honor Band Tryouts
11-18-2016 - American Education Week Program
11-02-2016 / 11-09-2016 / 11-16-2016 / 11-29-2016 / 12-01-2016 All City Band Rehearsals / Concert
12-14-2016 - Christmas Program
02-16-2017 - Spoken Word Festival
02-23-2017 - Black History Program
04-10-2017 - ACT Aspire Pep Rally
04-27-2017 - All City Band Evaluation
05-03-2017 - Transition to Middle School Program (Central Park / Brown)
05-07-2017 - PTA Reflections Banquet at Lincoln
05-18-2017 - Spring Concert at Green Acres
05-24-2017 - 8th Grade Honors and Awards Day