Ms. Garrett's Music Lessons and Projects
The lessons below are a sample of what we studied in my Music Technology Classes. I taught 250 students per week in the 2nd through 5th Grades until 2013, then middle school band until 2018. (I retired in 2018.)

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Books / Software / Multimedia
The students are using the Alfred Basic Piano Library
music books to learn to read and play beginning piano
students use music notation programs such as or Sibelius 6
to learn to compose and print music notes.
The students are learning how to sequence music - entering
one musical part into the computer at a time, then
changing the sounds to different instruments, such
as the flute, clarinet, or drums.
We use Sibelius
or Noteflight to post student compositions on the website for viewing
and playing.
Besides learning to read, compose, and print their
music, some of the students will produce their own music files to be recorded on CD's or flash drives. We create CD's with student compositions and video clips of their work to post in a multimedia portfolio.
Students are learning about MIDI (Musical Instrument
Digital Interface) and how MIDI works with different
electronic musical instruments to communicate with other
instruments and computers. The students have seen ways
in which various electronic wind and percussion instruments
can be played along with the computer accompaniments.
TI:ME Music Tech Organization (
are many different areas of exploration and instruction
in Music Technology. The Technology Institute for Music
Educators (TI:ME) Strategies for Teaching includes
the following areas of study: electronic musical instruments,
MIDI sequencing, music notation software, computer-assisted
instruction, multimedia and digitized media, Internet
and telecommunications, information processing, computer
systems, and lab management.
Music Technology Benchmarks:
1) To become a lifelong adopter of music technology
for personal expression
2) To create multimedia productions
3) To collaborate with music peers and experts on the Internet as a resource
4) To create, manipulate, and graphically represent music with a computer-based
music device
5) To collaborate in the performance of technology-based music in solo or ensemble
6) To capture and edit digital audio
7) To capture and sequence music with a MIDI controller
8) To communicate with music peers, experts and resources on the Internet
9) To understand how a music technology device captures, stores, and manipulates
sound and performance.