A student favorite is the 'Experimenting with Sound Waves'
Lesson. They will ask to do this again and again.
Lesson 005
*Students will continue to expand their own composition (ABA song form)
using the notes in the C Major
Scale, and the keyboard and sequencing software on the computer to
playback the song.
complete pp. 20-32 in the Alfred Basic Piano Library Level 1A
(varies based on student level).
*To complete one or more Lessons in Music Ace 1.
*To complete one or more quizzes on our web site and report scores to the
*To complete a brief study on sound waves and applications.
Alfred 1A Piano Books,
keyboards and related equipment, computers (with or without Internet
access), printer, Sibelius or Music Time Deluxe and Music Ace 1 software
and teacher's manual, computer microphones, CD-R disks.
Procedures: Students
should learn what a sound wave is and how it is used in computer
applications. Follow
this link to review brief definitions. Notice the
sound wave lesson graphics below. Students will use a microphone
to record their voices into the Sound Recorder program on a
Windows computer. Adjust the volume as needed. Let the student
experiment with the sound wave by pressing 'Effects' and 'Echo,
Reverse, Increase and Decrease Speed'. The student should save
their work in My Documents. Explain to the students how the
digital version of their voice, the sound waves, are produced
and recorded to CD's. Many times, the teacher will have to
change the 'Properties' of the sound wave to CD quality audio
format in order for it to be recorded to a CD-R disk. If time
is available, record the voices to a CD and play it back in
a regular audio CD player. Tell the students about the differences
in MIDI and sound wave files. MIDI files have to be converted
to sound waves using a mixer and other instrument, such as
a keyboard, to record the file as a sound wave into the computer
before it can be recorded to a CD.
Wave - (Waveform) - The shape of a sound produced by an oscillator
that determines the timbre of the sound. Waveforms include
sine, pulse, sawtooth, square and triangle waves. (Sound
Wave) - the shape of a sound, which can be described by showing
it on a graph. When something vibrates, variations in air
pressure create vibrations and are transmitted as a sound
wave. Different sounds have different shaped waves.

Ask students to notice...
* What kinds of 'shapes' are made with the digital form of their voice on
the computer?
* Does your voice sound different than you think it does when you are speaking?
* Does the sound wave that you made look like the sound waves that other
students made? Why?
* What are your favorite 'effects' for changing your sound wave?
* What happens when you speed up / slow down the sound wave?
* Can a MIDI sound file be recorded to a CD like a digital sound wave?
* Are sound waves larger in file size than MIDI files?
* Can you find the starting point and ending point of your voice on the
sound wave graphic?
of sound wave recorded by a student (first name only - our
waves were longer than what you hear on this site).
Students should continue to expand their compositions in
ABA song form. Remind students that ABA means you will write
one section of the composition (Part A), then write something
different than your first section (Part B), then write the first
section of your song again (Part A). In other words, Part A 'repeats'
or is played twice. Write your composition using notes in the
treble clef starting with Middle C or higher, and use notes in
the C Major Scale. We will continue to have 2 staves or instrument
voices playing. The students should not try to write the longest
song in the world. Ask them to limit their composition, for now,
to 48-60 measures.
students should be reminded that the sounds on their Casio
MIDI keyboards will NOT sound the same as the 128 General MIDI
computer voices unless the sound is played back through the
computer speakers. This can be confusing to the students at
first, especially young students. The teacher should reinforce
the differences (General MIDI / MIDI) by example if the students
do not understand the concept yet.
Ace 1 - Students will continue to progress at their own
pace through the lessons on the computer. Teacher will assist
with students and their questions. Some students will have
completed Lesson 5 or higher by this time.
Basic Piano Book 1A - If time allows, students will work
individually on pages 20-32, with assistance and demonstration
of notes and technique by the teacher.
Extra Activities:
Follow this lesson with the new Sound Waves and Cartoons Lesson.
on musical skills through some of the quizzes and games on
the Music Tech Teacher Quizzes
and Games pages. Choose games according to the skill
level of the students. There are several quizzes available
for studying lines and spaces, rhythms, and skips, steps, repeats.
There are a few 'Flash' based quizzes that use sound waves.
students continue to complete the Music Ace Lessons successfully,
they might work in the Doodle Pad section, learning to 'compose' their
own melodies. These melodies can be saved but not printed.
student compositions on the 'Student
Work' pages of this site.
* Students
will be able to successfully perform all of the exercises on
pp. 20-32 of the Piano Level 1A Lesson Book.
* Students
will be able to name and play the notes to the C Major Scale
and use those notes to complete
a composition in ABA form, using 2 staves, the General MIDI
sound sheet, no longer than 48-60 measures.
* Students
will successfully complete Lesson 5 or higher in Music Ace
1, and will print a Progress Report of their work to give to
the teacher and to their parents.
* Students
will know how to use a microphone and the "Sound Recorder" in
Windows to create a sound wave of their voice. Students will
save their sounds to the computer and will demonstrate an understanding
of what happens to the sound wave when they use 'effects' to
change the waveform.