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Identifying the Note Names in the Treble Clef
Lessons 005 and 006

Lessons © www.musictechteacher.com / Ms. Karen L. Garrett
Each Music Technology student in the 2nd - 5th grades will receive one 30-45 minute lesson per week. The class structure is ‘work-at-your-own-pace’ because students are not required to have any materials or music equipment to participate.
Essential Question: What are the names of the lines and spaces in the treble clef? How can you remember them?  (Answers below evaluation.)
*Students will learn to identify the names of the notes on the staff in the treble clef.
*Students will complete one or more website quizzes about identifying notes in the treble clef.
*Students will complete one or more pages in the Alfred Basic Piano Library Level 1A (varies based on student level).
Piano keyboards, computers, Alfred Basic Piano Library Books, music software and all cables, adapters and headphones associated with electronic equipment. Projector for presenting notes and interactive note study.
1) Introduce the names of the four spaces in the treble clef (F-A-C-E).  Introduce the names of the five lines in the treble clef (E-G-B-D-F). Demonstrate where the notes are played on the keyboard.

Use Sibelius software with the notes on the treble clef staff to demonstrate the notes on each line and space from the projector. Move the notes onto alternate lines and spaces (notes drill) while students name the notes.

After the students are successful at identifying the notes, direct students to play the Travel Through Treble Space music quiz on our website (Travel Through Treble Spaces) or play the Treble Clef Words quiz (Treble Clef Words Story).

2) Complete various pages in the Alfred Basic Piano Library Book 1 based on individual student progress. Make a video (digital camera) of some of the students and post it immediately using the projector for review and feedback. Younger students will be on pages 14-15. (- Development of skills in finger number response when hands are playing on different black-key groups. - Continuing even flow of rhythm when melody notes move from one hand to the other. - Understanding the word dynamics. - Recognition and observation of forte sign.)
3) If time allows, older students may use Sibelius software (or Noteflight software) to practice entering notes in the treble clef onto the computer. They may also try to complete a short notation project using notes in the treble clef.
4) For extra activities, students may also complete Lessons 3-5 in the Music Ace software program. The teacher will need to record the progress of each student due to a lack of student accounts per station. Students may also choose to complete Lessons or Create songs using Sibelius Groovy software.
Ask students to notice.......
- What ‘saying’ is used to help remember the names of the lines / spaces in the treble clef? (Lines – Every Good Boy Does Fine   Spaces - F A C E).
- What hand is (generally) used to play the notes in the treble clef in elementary music? (Right)
- Can you use the alphabet to remember notes in music? (Yes. In order of the lines and spaces together, the notes are A-B-C-D-E-F-G, then the notes start over again.)

Students successfully identify the lines and spaces in the treble clef staff.
Students complete the treble clef quizzes on our website and receive a score of 80 or higher.
Students complete the assigned pages in the Alfred Basic Piano Library Book. (Video review)
(Older students) could use notation software to write the notes in the treble clef on the computer.
The teacher will observe the points above and provide feedback to the students based on their work.
Essential Question: What are the names of the lines and spaces in the treble clef? How can you remember them?  The names of the lines in the treble clef are E-G-D-B-F. You can remember them by saying the phrase, “Every Good Boy Does Fine.” The names of the treble clef spaces are F-A-C-E. You can remember them by saying ‘Face,’ which rhymes with ‘space.’
There are many quizzes on music notes on our website, www.musictechteacher.com. Click on Quiz Help and Treble Clef Notes if you need help learning about the notes in the treble clef.

TI:ME (Technology for Music Education)
   - Standard (3) Music Notation Software (Sibelius and Noteflight)
   - Standard (4) - Technology Assisted Learning
      - Prescribe instructional software to provide students with a patient practice partner, allowing self-paced
      progress through subject matter.  (Music Ace, Sibelius Groovy)

NAfME (National Association for Music Education)
- Standard (2) Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. (Alfred Piano Book Level 1A)
- Standard (6) Listening to, analyzing and describing music (Treble Clef Notes Study Drill)

   Standard (6) Technology Operations and Concepts
      - Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
      - (D) select and use applications effectively and productively. (notation programs, instructional music

Essential Question Lesson 5-6

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