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Hot Potatoes Software

Students love to play quizzes and games related to music activities they are learning in class. Why not make it even more fun by letting the students create their own quizzes!
Lesson 013
* To learn how to create a simple multiple choice quiz related to subjects we are studying in music class.
* To continue Lessons in Music Ace 1 and Piano Lessons in the Alfred Basic Piano Lesson Book (individual progress).
Alfred 1A Piano Books, Music Ace 1, keyboards and related equipment, computers (with or without Internet access), printer, Hot Potatoes quiz-making program.
We will be writing quizzes based on music topics studied in class. A first example would be to take a composer, such as Scott Joplin, and create a 5 question multiple choice quiz related to our study of Joplin in the Alfred Accent on Composers series by Alfred Publishing.
Students should write their questions on paper and bring them to class before being allowed to type their questions and answers. Students will open the Hot Potatoes (Version 5) program on their computer. Next they will click on JBC, the program used to make multiple choice quizzes. Students will input 5 questions related to their study of Joplin. Students will also have to input four multiple choice answers, one right and three wrong, for each question. (If you are a teacher or student unfamiliar with Hot Potatoes, please follow this link for related materials / tutorials that I have taught in in-services.) Students should save their quiz, then test the quiz in Internet Explorer. Students who have successfully completed the quiz could go back and add a picture to the quiz. Save the quiz and test again. Screen shots of some of the above steps are located at the bottom of this page.

Order of steps below to make the quiz:
JBC Quiz - Multiple Choice
- Enter questions and answers
- Setup configuration of quiz (shuffle / order of questions)
- Save the file in your quizzes folder
- Save as a web page for version 5 browsers
- Test your quiz (Internet Explorer)
- Open the folder with the files and quiz data to identify files used in quizzes.
- Insert a picture into the quiz. Explain <br> or break, HTML term to have a line break between the question and picture.
- Demonstrate Feedback in questions
- Save, then view quiz output in browser.
Students should be able to save their quiz and web page to a floppy disk, then turn it in to the teacher for review. Some of the students could have their quizzes posted to our website. This is a great way to involve the students in learning to research topics and post interactive quizzes to the Internet. Demonstrate the actual process of uploading the quizzes to the Internet.
Example of a 3rd and 4th Grade student created quiz on Franz Joseph Haydn
Example of a 3rd Grade student created quiz on our site: Scott Joplin Quiz
Questions to discuss with students:
* Is it easy to write an interactive quiz for the Internet?
* Why is it important for students to learn how to make quizzes?
* Does quiz-making help you remember more information about the music topic you are studying?
* Once you have written a quiz, how do you post it to the Internet for others to view?
* Can making these music quizzes apply to other subjects? i.e. Will you be able to use the program to make quizzes for your other subjects and classes?
* Other questions...

Music Ace 1 - Students will continue to progress at their own pace through the lessons on the computer. Teacher will assist with students and their questions.
Alfred Basic Piano Book 1A - If time allows, students will work individually on pages as assigned, with assistance and demonstration of notes and technique by the teacher.
Extra Activities:
* Work on musical skills through some of the quizzes and games on the Music Tech Teacher Quizzes and Games pages. Choose games according to the skill level of the students. There are many quizzes available for studying lines and spaces, rhythms, and skips, steps, repeats. There are a few 'Flash' based quizzes that use sound waves.
* If students continue to complete the Music Ace Lessons successfully, they might work in the Doodle Pad section, learning to 'compose' their own melodies. These melodies can be saved but not printed.
Post student compositions on the 'Student Work' pages of this site.

* Students will be able to successfully write a brief quiz using Hot Potatoes software.
* Students will be able to save their quiz and web page to a floppy disk to turn in to the teacher.
* Students will have to create reasonable questions that are directly related to their music topic of study.
* Students will successfully complete one or more Lessons in Music Ace 1, and will print a Progress Report of their work to give to the teacher and to their parents.

Screen shots of Hot Potatoes steps in this Lesson:

Example of Multiple Choice quiz. Entering the questions and answers.

Example of Multiple Choice quiz. Entering the questions and answers.

Example of completed quiz.

Example of completed quiz.

Options available for questions (shuffle / show one at a time, etc.)

Options available for questions (shuffle / show one at a time, etc.)

Files on your computer. Students should hand in files on a disk to the teacher. The files should include the quiz web page and the Hot Potatoes quiz file.

Files on your computer. Students should hand in files on a disk to the teacher. The files should include the quiz web page and the Hot Potatoes quiz file.

Adding a picture to the quiz.

Adding a picture to the quiz.

Final quiz example with picture inserted.

Final quiz example with picture inserted.
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