Question Writer Tutorial (Archived) - Page 2
Question Writer Quiz Edition Software Version 2 (2006)
Question Writer Quiz Edition is an easy-to-use editor for creating interactive quizzes. Some of the question formats include multiple choice, true-false, matching, multiple format and fill-in-the-blank. The pictures below the quiz on this page describe the steps in creating a quiz.
Other settings in the 'Properties' window include displaying information to the user during the quiz, such as image zooming, point values, and report screen information.
The author can select from many different templates or themes with various backgrounds and fonts to use in the quiz.
Select 'Add Question' or the 'M/Choice' icon. Enter the text for the question in the 'Properties Window' box. Enter the choices in the 'Option Text' boxes. Place a check mark by the correct answer. Press 'OK'.
It is easy to add an image to the question. Check the 'Include Image' box. Select 'Add Files' and browse to the location of the .JPG or .GIF image on the computer. Select 'Apply' and the picture will be added to the question.
Select 'Add Question' or the 'Fill in the Blank' icon. Enter the text for the question in the 'Properties Window' box. Enter the correct answer(s) in the 'Acceptable Answers' box. The author may also enter the number of points for a correct answer and feedback for the question. Press 'OK'.